Central Residents Council

In accordance with C.F.R. section 964.100, the role of the Central Resident Council (CRC) is to improve the quality of life and resident satisfaction and to participate in self-help initiatives that enables residents to create a positive living environment for families living in public housing. Being involved gives residents control over their community and lives and a feeling of accomplishment. A resident council can act as a sounding board to help the communication between The Housing Authority of the City of Pueblo (HACP) management and residents about housing policies. The CRC and the HACP work together to improve vital aspects of community life. However, it is important to note that the CRC is ran by the residents. The HACP only assists the council, if requested. For information regarding how to join the CRC call 719-584-7629 or attend a meeting. Please see the calendar for meeting times and dates. The CRC is always welcoming new residents’ to the council.

What makes a community? Members coming together and working to better the community for everyone. The CRC gives members of the community the opportunity to come together and create new ideas, resolve problems, and plan for the future of the community. If you want to learn more about what makes a CRC work and be a vital part of the community, click on the links below to find out more.

 If you want to learn more about what makes a CRC work and be a vital part of the community, click on the links below to find out more.

Overview of a Resident Council
Guide to Building A Strong Resident Council   HUD:Promoting Partnerships for Improving Quality of Life
HUD: Guidance on use of Tenant Participation Funds

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Email Randy Mccall

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Email Steven Trujillo